A Free 7-Day Email Course Helps You To...
Reconnect With Your Inner Compass
at Career (and Life) Crossroads

Enter your email below to join the 7-Day Career Compass Connection e-course to kickstart your journey to do what lights you up!

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Here's what you can expect from this e-course:

  • A step by step guide to help you reconnect with your inner compass so that you can gain clarity on who you are and where you want to go next in your career and life

  • Powerful exercises to help you know yourself better, dig deeper and discover the work (and life) that lights you up

  • Common mistakes you should avoid when deciding your next move in your career and life

Jessie has unique gifts and skillset to help people discover what their own journeys are, what hidden potential, and the resources they have.

- Evelyn Bidenko, Business Owner, London